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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Backyard photography

My favorite lighting for bird photography (or flowers, or wildlife) is bright overcast. Last week was just such a day and I set up my blind to take advantage of the great lighting. While I did not get to photograph any new species, I did get a very charming shot of a male cardinal with a sunflower in its beak.
In the meantime, we have taken down our feeder for the summer - the hummingbird feeder remains - and we have to find other ways to lure birds. One way is adding a bird fountain to our new garden. However, we have yet to find one.
Our new garden is having some growing pains, and that's mostly due to rabbits and a groundhog. My zinnias have been eaten in the front and back yard, making it look like the Munsters' garden. There are some native plants that the critters don't touch and perhaps that's a sign to plant more of those. Trial and error is the motto here and it's quite possible that the garden won't take off until next summer.


  1. What a wonderful picture and the line about the Munster's garden made me laugh, just thinking about some of my own flowers. I also thought you might like this site. GardenFountains
